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Confraternita del Leone – Compagnia d’Arme -WELCOME ON HISTORY

                                                                   "...Our past, a resource for the future! "

                                                                    Fabio Bari President  2015-2020

The Confraternity of the Lion ASD based in Brescia is a non-profit association, which with the "Living History" reconstructs and organizes events of high caliber and historical precision. Our events include: A.D. 1238 Federico II and the siege of Brescia, Celtic Days, Samonios, Brixia Evolution, Spirits in History ...

Participation in documentaries and television broadcasts on the national networks (RAi1 and Rai2), History Channel, local TV. We take part in cultural symposiums, inauguration of museum exhibitions, presentations at schools for school education, patron celebrations with municipal pro-loco, events and fashion shows with a historical theme.

Presentations of events and books, scenic tournaments, fireworks, educational counters of ancient crafts.

Collaborations with publishing houses with supply of historically correct models. We are open to collaborations with proloco, public bodies, foundations, schools for every order and degree, universities and private individuals. We reconstruct historical events in the field of Celtic - Roman - Longobard - medieval municipal one thousand two hundred - fourteen hundred thousand and one hundred thousand. In sports, it is possible to participate in weekly courses in scenic fencing and antique archery. The association is certified by C.E.R.S. and sportingly associated with the CSEN. Do you want to join our association?

You are welcome, contact us without delay!

The “Confraternita del Leone” is a cultural, non-profit making, apolitical sport Association in Brescia, Italy. Its members are fond of medieval history and devote themselves to its study.

As members of the Association we want to rivive ways an costums as well as the warfare of the peoples that lived in our country in the Middle Ages through theorical knowledge and manual exercises with ancient sword.
In order to make a thorough investigation and avoid every possible mistake, our efforts to reconstruct the past concentrate mainlyon the period between 1150 and 1240, when our town, Brescia, was a city-state.
Organize realistic and accurate reconsrtuctions of historical events.
Organize groups studing experimental archaeology.
Pratice and pread the knowledge of ancient swordplay and archery.
Study and teach the history of our peoples through lectures.
Build 350 square metre military medieval camps with artisan activities (blacksmith, joiner, etc.)
Revive historical sets and happenings during cultural events.
Take part in medieval festivals and tournaments.
Our work enables us to give a strong aura of reality to our fights even if duels are completely safe.


The Confraternita del Leone has been performing since 1999 in the reconstruction of historical events (reenactoring and living history). Our Association has been on stage for more than 300 days in all during important events such as:
Milano, Celtic Samonios at the Castello Sforzesco and Storitalia, national rally of living history under the high patronage of the President of the Italian Repubblic; Trento, for the Saint Patron fest of San Vigilio and the celebration of Charles the Great; Venezia, the Carneval; Massa Carrara, Irish Festival; Chieti, Wallace Celtic Festival; Como, reevocation of the battle of Tassera (1160)…

And Brescia, Biella, Alessandria, Pavia, Mantova, Cuneo and many others…
Moreover last year for six months the Confraternita del Leone was in the cast of the combat stuntmen for the film King Arthur made by the Disney Company in Ireland: the Confraternita is part of the International Combat Team, used in realistic fightsaround the main actors.


©confraternita del Leone ASD

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